Flexible Deployment Options – Pick Any Cloud
VIDIZMO offers the most flexible range of deployment models for hosting on public, private or hybrid cloud as well as on-premise datacenters. Our enterprise video CMS platform is available in a fully managed VIDIZMO cloud as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), or in your IT-controlled on-premise datacenter/cloud.
SaaS – Shared Cloud
Cloud Deployment
On-Premise Deployment
Hybrid Deployment
SaaS – Shared Cloud
Purchase VIDIZMO solutions as SaaS, hosted on the highly secure Microsoft Azure Commercial Cloud or Azure Government Cloud, readily deployable in a few hours. VIDIZMO manages all cloud infrastructure, uptime and reliability.
Cloud Deployment
- Deploy on any Public or Private Cloud
- Deploy in 200+ countries, regions and territories
- Host application in one region and store data in another
- Comply with national and international compliances such as GDPR
- Choose any cloud including Azure, AWS, Google, etc.
Flexible Cloud Deployment Options
We support all
Customer Provided Cloud
Pay only for VIDIZMO software and professional services to install and manage the solution, negotiating directly with their cloud provider of choice (Azure, AWS, IBM Cloud, and more) for cloud consumption costs (storage, streaming, encoding, etc.).
VIDIZMO Provided Cloud
Opt for a VIDIZMO managed dedicated cloud (Azure or AWS) and we’ll manage both the solution and cloud consumption as part of professional services.
Private Cloud
Purchase VIDIZMO software and Client Access Licenses (CAL), while managing installation and configuration on your own. VIDIZMO professional services team can be engaged to install the software, but you retain full control over deployment.
Hosting on Cloud Has Its Perks
Low Initial Investment
Low Maintenance Cost
Disaster Recovery
Available on Azure & AWS Marketplaces
Readily purchase VIDIZMO solutions from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, Azure Government Marketplace or AWS Marketplace under a Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) or Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) model.
Government Cloud is Designed to Suit the Needs of Public Sector Clients
Government Exclusivity
Only US federal, state, local and tribal governments, and their partners have access to this dedicated instance with operations controlled by screened US citizens.
Broadest Compliance
On-Premise Deployment
- Host and deploy behind company’s firewall in your on-premise datacenter
- Deploy according to your requirements within a couple of days
- Ensure smooth content delivery with enterprise Content Delivery Network (eCDN)
- Deploy on a single server or on multiple servers for optimized video delivery.
Learn More About VIDIZMO On-Premise Deployment
Maintain Full Control of Your Video Streaming Server with Deployment On-Premise
Ensure complete control over your sensitive data and protect it from going outside your organization’s data center.
Maintain full control over implementing any government or industry regulated compliances and avoid any non-conformity.
Migrate digital content faster while also minimizing cost with all your data hosted in your datacenters.
Planning Your Enterprise Video Deployment? Here’s
A Comprehensive Guide on VIDIZMO Deployment Models
Hybrid Deployment
- Use a mix of on-premise and cloud infrastructure in any geographic location
- Choose which component of video platform to host on cloud or on-premise